This is a beautiful trail run in Powell River, on a dead flat 13.2 km wheelchair accessible trail around the very edge of the lake. It starts and finishes at a Provincial Park campground where you can stay if you like to camp; a regional campground is a few kilometres away. Where else in coastal BC can you run on 13+ kilometres of wide manicured trail around a lake without even a bump? The biggest single gain of elevation — The Hill — is about 8 to 10 vertical feet! For those wanting to run a shorter distance, there is the Anthony Island 7k — an out & back utilizing the last 3.5k of the full lake trail — again, dead flat. Proceeds will be donated to Special Olympics.
NOTICE: Please leave your dog(s) at home. They are not allowed in the race, for the comfort and safety of all participants. And the park rules state: "Pets/domestic animals must be on a leash at all times and are not allowed in beach and picnic areas, the park buildings and the boat launch area." This means they can't be at the finish line (boat launch area).
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Registration & Fees
How to Enter
Register online until 6:00pm September 28th (now closed).
Drop off entry form and payment by Friday, Sep 27th at AVID Fitness (now closed)
Sign up race day from 9:00 to 10:45am at the start area (until 9:45am for walk/bike 13k). Cash or cheque only. Arrive early — we cannot register everyone in the last 10 minutes!
Save time: Download race day entry form and bring it neatly filled out on race day.
From Vancouver, you need to take 2 ferries: Horseshoe Bay (West Vancouver) to Langdale (Gibsons), then Earls Cove (Egmont) to Saltery Bay (Powell River). From Vancouver Island, take the ferry from Little River (Comox) to Westview (Powell River). See Google Map for directions from Powell River.
From Joyce Ave in Powell River, turn left on Manson, right on Cassiar, stay left (becomes Yukon), right on Haslam, stay left at next 2 forks going up the hill, follow signs to Inland Lake (approx 7 km smooth unpaved road).
Accommodation: Camping available at the race site!
There is a moderate amount of parking near the start area at Inland Lake. Carpooling is recommended. No participant parking in the boat launch area (finish line).
13k — Inland Lake trail, a single clockwise loop on flat forest trail.
7k — Inland Lake trail onto Anthony Island and back (also flat).
The 13k and 7k start in opposite directions; make sure you go the right way! Both races finish in the same direction (going past the campsite area to the boat launch).
NOTICE: No dogs allowed in the event. Baby Joggers are welcome but must start at the back of the pack. Use of headphones is strongly discouraged, especially for the 10am start (as runners will be coming up fast behind you later).
Aid stations and toilets
Two water stations will be set up on the 13k course, and one at the finish line. There are outdoor toilets near the start/finish area and at a couple of locations on course.